About Manga no Zukei

First official website. 2008 Version. Main page.
Manganozukei is the official website that shows Jorge Appelgren Cienfuegos, comic artis’s works. "Manga no Zukei" means "Manga Image", in Japanese.
Reading manga on internet can be a very painful experience, because the sites were not created for that purpose, reading comics. The design of this space tries to fix this problem, giving you one of the best ways to read manga on a website.
Here, you will find the manga "Survival", illustrations, drawings, sketches, fanarts from the author, news, you can leave comments, buy comics and much more.
Enjoy the adventures of Karen Isuma and Hiroaki Ikeda in the world of "Survival"!
Thanks for your visit!
What is Survival?
Survival is a Japanese style comic (manga) of science fiction, it started in 1998, and has many influences from anime series from the 70´s, 80´s and 90´s.
It tells the story of Karen Isuma, an 8 years old girl and Hiroaki Ikeda, a 20 years young man, both live in the future, in a world where terrorism issues are part of their daily lives.
Hiroaki is a cadet from an antiterrorism force, called "Trident Division". Because of destiny, he had to look after Karen, who is the daughter of the founder of the division, Commander Ichijo Isuma.
When an immense explosion destroys the entire city, it’s believed that another terrorist attack is taking place and it started a huge investigation around the world to look for the responsible ones. However, the world will get that the city attack wasn’t an isolated event, nor was a terrorist attack, because other important cities will suffer the same as the first one…
About the author

Author’s self-portrait as a caricature.
Jorge Appelgren Cienfuegos is graduated from Arts, Education and Teacher of Arts. He is a specialist on developing stories and characters using visual and narrative language from the Japanese comic style called “manga”. Sometimes he calls himself “Nihonjorge”.
Nowadays, his main project is the manga “Sobrevivencia”, “Survival” in English; a science fiction story that narrates the adventures of Karen Isuma and Hiroaki Ikeda, this story has been developing since his lasts years from Secondary.
He has been the curator of the first three Manga exhibitions in Chile during the years 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Also he has made many workshops about manga drawing and also he has been part of many exhibitions related to thew comic development. Through his trademark “Manganozukei” (Manga image in Japanese), Jorge offers for sale, printed manga and some of his drawings.